More Motivation... Lt. Col. Greg Gadson's Story
Since I'm seeing some vids going up about inspiring stories... I thought I'd share one that my "sister from another mister" shared with me about a week or so ago. She is a Major in the U.S. Army and knows that I am always looking for inspirational stories to help keep myself motivated. I hope you all enjoy this and it…
Flaxseed Oil as an Acid Reflux Remedy?
Figured I would post this in the forum and see what comes about... but I have moderate Acid Reflux and take Nexium 40mg (or 45mg - dont remember which). I have tried a "home remedy" in the past with Apple Cider Vinegar (with the Mothers), Baking Soda, and water which provided slight relief. I questioned the validity of…
Tera Online
Sooo... looking forward to getting in on Tera Online. I was able to get in to the early character creation and created a toon on the Dragonfall PvE server. Just curious as to whether any of you PC gamers out there are planning to give Tera a shot or not?
Mini & Final Goals
First and foremost, I'll apologize beforehand because I'm sure someone has already posted something like this (and likely multiple postings) and I'm just too lazy to do a search for an old thread. But I noticed that may of my friends on here have mini-goals along their journey. Some of the rewards are pretty nifty. I…
Smartphone Apps (aside from MFP)
So, I just wanted to find out if anyone has used Cardio Trainer (Android App) and whether or not it's worked well? I have the free version downloaded and it seems kind of cool. Just not sure how well it would do since battery life on smartphones other than an iPhone tend to have poor battery life when things like GPS are…