Flaxseed Oil as an Acid Reflux Remedy?

Figured I would post this in the forum and see what comes about... but I have moderate Acid Reflux and take Nexium 40mg (or 45mg - dont remember which). I have tried a "home remedy" in the past with Apple Cider Vinegar (with the Mothers), Baking Soda, and water which provided slight relief. I questioned the validity of this and even wrote to Dr. Oz (you know, he's like, the sage when it comes to all this stuff lol) and he had it on the show and indicated it actually does work.

Anyhow, in the breakroom at work today chatting up a peer and one of the managers came in and explained he has REALLY BAD reflux and stopped taking his medication. He went on to detail that a friend gave him info that showed the medications can cause stomach cancer, so it comes down to the lesser of two evils... (which for me, I think stomach cancer would be something possibly beatable over esophageal cancer). He said that he has been using 4000mg of flax seed oil in the morning with a tiny amount of water... just enough to get it down... and it's been helping.

I did a google search on this and am finding some articles of interest. But to the point now, I'd like to know what any GERD sufferers out there have tried that has worked that may be non-prescription? Thanks in advance for your posts!