I don’t know what inspired me to get fit and healthy, I’d been attempting the 4 Hour Body diet for over a year with zero progress and I felt entirely and utterly hopeless. I just decided, one day, out of the blue, that I was sick of telling myself “I can’t, I’m always going to be chunky” and started saying “I can, I’m…
Hey all MPF people I had a meal at a friend's place the other week and they served us organic vegetables - they were amazing! I'm new to Melbourne so I was wondering if anyone knew of any organic food stores or markets that I could check out. Any help would be greatly appreciated! xxx
I work at a restaurant as a waitress and most of my co-workers are thin and blonde. I felt a little intimidated by this at first, but I quickly brushed it off. I meet the new guy tonight and he seems okay, a little arrogant maybe but pleasant enough. So I'm friendly, I ask questions about his life etc. I had some trouble…
Hey all, I'm new to the site and really keen to keep committed to my goals. I think it would really help to have some friends to help back me up that I can support in turn. I'm happy to play coach, friend or shoulder to cry on and if I could find people who live in Australia Vic, that'd be rad. Thanks :smile: