To eat or not to eat when not hungry
today I had my shake for breakfast and a very satisfying to lunch. Then my day got away from me and I was home at 8 PM and wasn't really hungry. I'm planning to go to bed at 10 and I know were not supposed to eat three hours before we go to bed, but I went ahead and had my shake anyway to get in the protein. In the future,…
Calories Burned weekly goal when manually setting my goals
I'm just getting started and chose to manually set my goals, because I'm following a low-carb plan. Even though I indicated my weekly "exercise" goals are 4 60-minute workouts, when I save settings, it shows "1" as calories burned goal for the week. Why is that and how do I get it to indicate what calories I "should" burn…
How do I see my daily totals of Fiber grams to calculate NET carbs?
I chose to set up my own profile of Carbs, Protein, Fats, etc., rather than go with the automated suggestion because the carb grams were too high, etc. I set up all my own grams I need, sodium levels, etc., but all I can see on the bottom of the daily food diary is total carbs, protein and fat. What's the point of being…