I just had a baby in August and I know my body did an amazing thing but I hate the extra weight!! I had lost 40 lbs before getting pregnant and needed to lose more but with the pregnancy working out happened less and less. A friend of mine gave me her copy of the DVD and told me this would help me out. Has anyone had…
I have a problem area, my lower stomach. What can I do to this problem area fixed??
I have just started my getting healthy lifestyle about a week ago. I have been looking at scales but I have no clue which one to go with. I don't want to drop a ton of money on it since I am a poor college student but I want a good one that will be accurate. If i have to spend a pretty penny, to get something good enough I…
Hi everyone! I'm 21 and have always been struggling with my weight! In jr high i played basketball (was good at it) and in high school I worked on the farm. You would think that I have been fit but its not how it worked. My mom always had homemade goodies and i have a weakness for them and we were soo busy we ate out a…