I'm new and need support!!

kwoolsey90 Posts: 14 Member
Hi everyone! I'm 21 and have always been struggling with my weight! In jr high i played basketball (was good at it) and in high school I worked on the farm. You would think that I have been fit but its not how it worked. My mom always had homemade goodies and i have a weakness for them and we were soo busy we ate out a lot. Not only that my parents house was very stressful, and my body holds the weight like none other when im stressed. I've finally moved out on my own and am trying to change eating habits and exercise habits. I've moved to a MO with my boyfriend and I know no one, so i really need friends and support!


  • Meevz
    Meevz Posts: 11 Member
    Us here on MFP are here to provide support for you! Feel free to add me... I love new friends!
  • xqueenbee24x
    xqueenbee24x Posts: 271 Member
    Hey - feel free to add me if you would like. =)
  • blackjax007
    blackjax007 Posts: 52
    Add me if you'd like. I've been on since Feb, but I'm just getting around to adding friends.