I am not of the social media generation. I'm not used to making friends and deleting them a few days later. I grew up when people's feelings mattered and if you couldn't say something nice, you didn't say anything. I am getting pummeled and left bloodied by the frequency and reasons or lack of reasons for getting deleted.…
It was lunchtime. I stared into the almost empty refrigerator, hoping there was something edible to choke down before going to the grocery store. We all know to NEVER go to the grocery on an empty stomach. That is when Oreos and Mountain Dew magically appear in your cart at the register. I resigned myself to throwing…
Dang! Why didn't I come with an owner's manual. LOL Can't I skip a meal here and there no big deal? Isn't my body telling me I don't need to eat right now when I don't feel like eating? I just mentioned I sometimes skip meals to someone I consider healthy, and his head spun around like the Exorcist! He was practically…
I can't help it. I find pretty much everything funny, but I didn't think it was funny when my younger sister started losing weight and I was going to be the dreaded "fat one" in the family. I dusted off the sneakers and so far so good! Weight is coming off, and I didn't even log laughter as exercise yet. Trouble is it is…