Your favorite low calorie cheeses and tortillas?
I love things like cheese and crackers, nachos and cheese, etc... but I know the kinds I usually eat probably aren't too good for me. What kind/brands of cheeses and tortilla chips are your favorites?
Ladies! I need some opinions!
I have a doctors appointment this afternoon to get birth control. Did it make you gain weight? If so, how much? Any suggestions on which kind you recommend? Pill or shot? Any input is greatly appreciated! :] I'm really hoping it won't set me back in getting fit.
New! Looking for new friends and healthy food ideas!
Hey everyone! My name's Melissa, I'm 22 and I'm from central PA! I'm 5'0 and about 134 lbs. I've been uncomfortable with the weight I gained at college and would love to be back to about 115. Although I never really eat or crave sweet foods, I eat way too much fried and fast foods. I also just started doing some running…