Ladies! I need some opinions!

I have a doctors appointment this afternoon to get birth control. Did it make you gain weight? If so, how much? Any suggestions on which kind you recommend? Pill or shot? Any input is greatly appreciated! :] I'm really hoping it won't set me back in getting fit.


  • felicityjanexo
    To be honest, I would get the shot. I tried the pill, and found myself occasionally forgetting it. I have a couple of friends and my sister use the shot and it' much more convenient because you only have to get it every three months! Good luck with whatever form of birth control you choose :) & also with the pill, I gained about 10 pounds.
  • McLifterPants
    McLifterPants Posts: 457 Member
    I'm on the ring, I like it because you only have to think about it twice monthly. It didn't make me gain weight.
  • HamsterNut
    HamsterNut Posts: 78 Member
    I have an implant and love it. No periods in a year so far!
  • SaundraU
    SaundraU Posts: 77
    I was on the shot and gained about 20lbs. Dropped the shot and went for a tubal ligation.
  • saamantha
    saamantha Posts: 74
    I took a low-dose BC for 5 years (Alesse), but did not take it for actual BC purposes.
    In those 5 years I did not gain weight, however, the pills did make me mighty nauseous. I've stayed away from BC pills/shots/implants etc. for the last 3 years, so I couldn't help with the second part of the Q!
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    everything I've tried I gained weight with! The shot made me bleed 24/7, and not a drip but a drool. It was miserable. I gave up and had my husband get a vasectomy =)
  • Angie_1MR
    Angie_1MR Posts: 247
    I was on bcp for 12 years, and went off about a year ago, I have not noticed any difference.
  • arenkel
    arenkel Posts: 77
    Okay... let me share what I think is correct.

    The side effects of any particular drug are gathered from a test study-- so, they give birth control drug X to a bunch of women. They may also do a control group. Anyway, they record any and all "unusual" symptoms, and the common and/or dangerous ones make it onto the warning label. So, maybe some the women report weight gain while on drug X. This gain may or may not be related to the drug, but because enough women reported it, it makes it onto the label.

    Every OBGYN you talk to will tell you that bc drugs do NOT make you gain weight. Any weight gain from taking them is all because of personal behaviors, not the drug.

    There MAY, however, be a small number of women out there whose bodies simply cannot handle the hormones, for whatever reason. If you go with a hormonal form, make sure you talk to your doc if you notice anything weird. (For example, I can't have hormones because they may have caused a stroke or migraine w/ aphasia -- scary stuff, and we're not sure what it was or if my bc was the trigger)

    I'm NOT a doctor. ALWAYS talk to medical professionals before making any medical decisions. This is just my two cents, and I hope it helps. :)
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    To be honest, I would get the shot. I tried the pill, and found myself occasionally forgetting it. I have a couple of friends and my sister use the shot and it' much more convenient because you only have to get it every three months! Good luck with whatever form of birth control you choose :) & also with the pill, I gained about 10 pounds.

    See, I gained weight on the shot. I think an IUD would be best.
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    BC made me sick to my stomach all the time. I just got a tubal.
  • met42485
    met42485 Posts: 71 Member
    I personally put on about 20 lbs with the pill within just a few months of going on it [I tried a few different ones over the course of 2 years] and quite honestly the hormones made me crazy. My doctor didn't recommend the shot. Then I went to an IUD and everything got 1000 times better. That's just my experience tho.
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    you will gain a lot more weight with pregnancy vs birth control. IJS.
  • avasano
    avasano Posts: 487 Member
    I tried the pills, and gave me awful mood swings, crying and weight gain. I got my husband snipped. Best choice ever.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I am on Depo-no weight gain. Best form of BC ever!
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I have paraguard. The Non hormonal IUD. I did notice bloating after it was put in...but apart from that no big weight issues. But I do have my period a lot LONGER than before.
  • evansproudmama
    I LOVE the shot!! I’ve been on it for about three years now since my son was 6weeks old, I got pregnant while on the pill so I’m bias anyway initially I gained about 5lbs but if your honest with yourself you’ll see that most likely any weight gain is from lack of eating right and exercising, it is manageable and I've been losing weight with hard work and eating right while on it.. I haven’t had a period in three years and I don’t get cramps or bloating, in fact I don’t often see any PMS symptoms unless I’m late getting my refill shot.. Good luck with whatever you chose oh I need to add you need to make sure to be taking calcium supplements while on the Depo shot hugz.. :flowerforyou:
  • erin023
    erin023 Posts: 123 Member
    I've never had much trouble with anything I've been on and I've used multiple pills as well as the shot.
    Currently I'm on Yaz, and it's great. It's also a diuretic so minimal bloating :)
  • EnergyYesPlease
    Everyone experiences different side effects with all kinds of BC, for instance; I had Mirena (my body HATED it), then most of my friends ended up gaining quite a bit of weight on the Depo shot (so I decided against it), and then I got back on the pill, LOVED IT! I am currently BC free though now, I wanted my body to regulate on its own so now its condom central and I'm ok with that.

    Hopefully some of this helps, but I would discuss all your options with your doctor before just choosing one, they can better talk about side effects. Good luck hun! :))
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    I've been on the injection for 6 years...stayed within 10 lbs, up or down, of my starting weight...bad news is, it's linked to osteoporosis... so make sure to get enough calcium and vitamin D :)
  • kristinacottle
    I wouldn't get the shot. It's just months of birth control pill hormones thrown into one big shot- my mother had horrible mood swings and weight gain. It sucked living with her when she was on the shot. From personal experience, no, the bc pills didn't make me gain weight or make me any hungrier. I would talk to the dr. you're going to see about the side affects because really, with birth control, it's trial and error. Works differently for everybody.