Ladies! I need some opinions!



  • Runs4CupCakes
    its all about your self really, me personlally couldnt remeber to take the pill, the shot i gained 22 pounds in 3 months , the ring came out every time "i got down" with the hubby, so i have a IUD so its just really about your slef and knowing whats gonna work best for you every one is difrenet and talk to your doc to let them help you diecide
  • arenkel
    arenkel Posts: 77
    Okay, I found an article. I was wrong. Turns out, a FEW women will gain weight on bcp, but it's pretty rare.

    My apologies if I sounded bigoted/opinionated. I'm just trying to help :)
  • bridgett28
    bridgett28 Posts: 41 Member
    I use NuvaRing - you put it in and leave it for 3 weeks, take it out for 1 week and repeat. I haven't found the cravings that I would get when i was on the pill. I have heard that a lot of people gain weight with the shot. I gained weight on the pill but haven't had any weight gain with NuvaRing.
  • scarlettesong
    scarlettesong Posts: 108 Member
    I've been on birth control for years. First the patch, then the ring, then varying forms of the pill. I'm still on the pill, and I'll say what I tell other people. I can't talk about the early part because I never tracked my weight that closely. But I have been my lightest weight and my heaviest weight while on the pills. It has nothing to do with the pills at all and everything with my diet and exercise.
  • lobbyart
    lobbyart Posts: 24 Member
    It depends which pill- I stay far, far away from tri-cyclens... they made me hypo-manic depressive and gain tons of weight.
  • bethmakesmusic
    bethmakesmusic Posts: 164 Member
    I have the mirena IUD. I've had it for almost 3 years not and it's been great! No weight gain and no periods! Plus i'm not nauseous like i was when I was on the pill. Just my 2 cents. Good luck!
  • Cindy873
    Cindy873 Posts: 1,165
    I gained almost 20 pounds on the shot. Made my hubby get a vasectomy after our last child. :o)
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    I agree that all the research I have done about different BC has led to the same conclusion that it indeed is not responsible on its own for weight gain. Some of the hormones in some can trick the body to feel pregnant or pre-menstrual and for us women this is usually the times where we crave foods and our willpower lacks. I was on the pill for 6 years and had no weight side effects ( I switched between 3 kinds and no weight issues for any) but I did find that sometimes I was more hungry than other times and back then I didn't control my eating like I do now. I was on depo (the shot) for 2 years and recently stopped after knowing how bad it is for my body (still reeling from it, schedules out of wach UGH its horrible). It made me extremely hungry and hormonal for 2 weeks before I was supposed to get my next shot, but again no weight gain and by this time I was trying to control my intake of food.

    Anything you put in your body has effects, but the effect of the BC hormones does not make you gain weight, it possibly makes you want to eat more.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Mty dr said anything over a 5 lb weight gain is your own fault, not the pills. And I believe her.
  • KaydeForce
    KaydeForce Posts: 96 Member
    I'm on the pill and when I started about 10yrs ago it made me gain about 15lbs.
    How to prevent it? Just be VERY aware that the hormones (no matter in which form... hormones are hormones... just the amount matters) make you hungry and crave food. If you're aware of it and just be extra careful in your diet I don't think it will be a problem.
  • ghgs13
    ghgs13 Posts: 27
    On the pill here, haven't gained any weight at all from it :)
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    you will gain a lot more weight with pregnancy vs birth control. IJS.

    Hahaha very true!
    I have been on the shot, orthotricyclen, yaz, and now I have an IUD-the mirena. I love the mirena, but docs generally don't let you get it unless you've already had kids. I had a horrible experience with the shot, and don't recommend it. Just talk to your doc about your concerns and they will help you find the right one.
  • queenb6794
    queenb6794 Posts: 4 Member
    I don't know about the shot, but implanon made me gain weight, but you rarely get a period on it.. If you can remember to take the pill I'd go with that
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    When I was on bcps I was a TOTAL *****. From now on, I'm going to stick to condoms until I can afford tubal ligation.
  • aclark316
    aclark316 Posts: 66
    i just got my tubes tied! lol no more pregnancy gain, and no more birth control gain. (and no more freaking out if i forgot the pill) However, when i was on the pill i didn't gain any extra weight and really didn't have any side effects either.
  • metallicaspirit81
    metallicaspirit81 Posts: 16 Member
    I currently have the IUD. I've had it now for a few months and my doc told me that it can actually help me lose a little weight. I've never been on the shot but my friend was for a long time and she gained weight while on it. I was on the pill a long time ago. Now I've always been overweight but when I was on the pill I'm pretty sure my weight stayed around the same if not I lost a little weight. Hope this helps!
  • sangelic
    sangelic Posts: 207
    I think every woman reacts differently to different forms of BC. I was on the Depo shot for a year and a half, gained almost 40 lbs during that time. I'll never do that again. BC pills made me extremely depressed. As of February I'm on Implanon (implant in my arm) and like it so far.
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    I had a hysterectomy.. LOVE IT!! :)
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    You may have to experiment around to find one thats right for you.

    I was on yasmin and loved it, the generic of it however made me a crazy psychopath (downside of generics not having to go through clinical trials...they have the same chemical structure but there are differences), then I had Nuva Ring, which I LOVED but my insurance stopped covering most of it and it was costing me $50 a month, and now I have mirena, which I like, but I have noticed my hair sheds a lot more than it used to, but its not any thinner than it was so that' good, and my skin has broken out some with it. I don't get my period at all however which is awesome.

    I don't have kids or anything and my doctor gave me mirena, so I wouldn't worry about that. I say just talk to your doctor, you can try different brands. I didn't notice any weight gain with any of them. NuvaRing was probably my favorite, but I also wouldn't trade my IUD for anyhting either
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    I personally don't like to use hormonal birth control because of the side effects but I have been on NuvaRing and it was fine for me.. I have heard bad things about the shot though. I know a girl who had the shot and she gained weight from it, had crazy mood swings and it messed her cycle up pretty bad.. but everyone is different.