Is there anyone here who is also counting carbs due to diabetes? I have just been diagnosed--very early stages and low numbers--so I am trying to lose the weight and manage via diet. I would love to hear from others about how they manage and achieve successful habits. I never realized just how many carbs I was taking in…
It's official. I apparently have a phobia. And that phobia is the fear that for whatever reason I won't get out of the 30's in terms of pounds lost. I've always been able to get into the 30's when I focus but have never made it all the way to a total weight loss of 40 pounds or more. Ever. And then I get off track and the…
I am hoping to connect with some friends who are in similar situation as I am. I am 43 and need to lose at least 100 pounds; probably more like 120 in all honesty. I would love to have some camaraderie and support from someone who "gets it", if that makes sense. My husband is height/weight proportional and has no clue what…
Has anyone here ever done a detox or a detox from Candida? That is what I have been recommended to complete...I am on Day 2 and my head feels like it could explode. I have been downing lots of lemon water so I know the headache is not due to dehydration.
Totally off topic...but I need some validation (or not) for a friend of mine. So, to all of you I ask this question: If you were to need to tell your ex spouse you were newly engaged, would a text message be an appropriate method? I have a friend that this just happened to...and we both think it was incredibly insensitive.…