Remembering that terrible day so many years ago but still vivid in everyones memory last day of having to ride to school she can take the bus tomorrow her first full day yay, then maybe I can get a routine going wishing you all a successful day
where is everyone hoping that you are all having fun
whoo hoo its my birthday rode to school and up a road I hadn't been up before took us to the river it was really fantastic diet not bad considering went to the bakery and walked out without getting anything cos when I got there I didn't fancy anything really so left well the thought of how long I'd have to work it off also…
wow hope everyone is having fun did a preview weigh in this morning and very disappointed to discover I'm up a bit so frustrated will have to work hard to get it off for Monday Diet will be good school starts and so the routine meals will too and there will not be snacks hanging around
Good morning ladies Haha thought I'd shock you all and post before bed :) Hope you have great Friday bring on the weekend yay its a long one looking forward too relaxing and getting some runs and bike rides in