I have heard that some people drop weight really quickly. I am on day 3 and am feeling pretty good. Yesterday I had a headache just from caffeine withdrawal bu today has been much better. Sticking to the plan but wondering how long before I will see the numbers or inches start to move. How long for you?
This is my very first post. Hope I can figure out how to post pictures. Ten pounds and a few rolls gone. Any difference?
I am having a huge craving for a burger so I purchased my first ever pack of ground turkey. My question is do I need to season in a particular manner? Does ground turkey taste at all like ground beef when prepared as a burger or should I set my expectations low and just be glad I have something close? LOL Might be a dumb…
I am so lost trying to figure out the amount of calories I should be eating in order to lose. I get from 1200 to 1700 depending on whether I use the BMR or the guided thingy. Can someone help me understand? I am a 36 year old female. Don't really exercise alot. Trying to walk at least 4-5 times a week. I started out…
Hi all. I am fairly new here. I would like to lose around 50 pounds. I have very little support at home. My husband likes me plump so that he is not forced to deal with his own insecurity and jealousy. I have allowed that for way too long. It is time I do what I need to do for me and my health. I am looking for friends who…
My food journal is helping me to keep track of how much I am eating and I was curious about my protein amounts. I know I need to stay close or below with carbs, fat, and sodium will it affect me weight loss if I go over on protein. It shows up red when I go over like it's a bad thing. May be a dumb newbie question but I…