Apparently I might be but adding the wrong cycling level when I put my workout info on here. I always keep my speed at 17-18, except of course when I cool down. Saw on one site saying that speeds between 16-19 are considered very vigorous and then saw another saying 15-18 is moderate. Just wondering if anyone knows the…
Hi my name is Jaime, and like my title says I am new at this and could use some pals for support. I have a long way to go, but I am determine to reach my goal.
I read a site that it says to have a day or two to rest cause that is when the muscles build the most. ? Dont know if that is true or not. I have been exercising 6 days a week for 1 hr - 1.5 hrs and I am curious if anyone knows if exercising 7 days a week is okay? Or should I stay with working out 6 days a week?