jamime Member


  • Donnie Darko - horrible movie.
  • Week #2 -- August 6th -- Goal 360 mins Mon: 110 mins -biking Tue: 35 min - walking Wed: 75 mins - biking Thur: 107 mins - biking Fri: 67 mins - biking Sat: 114 mins - biking Sun: 55 mins - walking Total / min left: 360+203=563/0 Week #3 -- August 13th -- Goal 360 mins Mon: 70 mins - biking Tues: 22 mins biking Wed: 104…
  • Week #2 -- August 6th -- Goal 360 mins Mon: 110 mins -biking Tue: 35 min - walking Wed: 75 mins - biking Thur: 107 mins - biking Fri: 67 mins - biking Sat: 114 mins - biking Sun: 55 mins - walking Total / min left: 360+203=563/0 Week #3 -- August 13th -- Goal 360 mins Mon: 70 mins - biking Tues: Wed: Thurs: Fri: Sat: Sun:…
  • Im in! Week # 1 -- July 30 -- Goal 360 minutes: Mon: 62 mins Tue: 65 mins Wed: 97 mins Thur: 67 mins Fri: 68 mins Sat: 83 mins Sun: Total / min left: 442/0 Week #2 -- August 6th -- Goal 360 mins Mon: Tue: Wed: Thur: Fri: Sat: Sun: Total / min left: 0 / 360
  • LOL That is hilarious
  • I personally love the greek honey yogurt or the greek honey vanilla yogurt.
    in greek yogurt Comment by jamime July 2012
  • That is awesome! Way da go! You should feel really proud!
  • Buy a measuring tape if you dont already have one. That way when you notice your weight not changing as much - you can look at your measurements and see that you are losing fat - just gaining muscle. Soon you will see the lbs melting off. Just keep at it :)
  • definitely agree.
  • feel free to add me. The fact that you started is a big step and are looking for motivation/support is another step. I understand about wanting to lose weight for you and your child - I am doing the same thing for me and my son. Maybe start out with doing walks with your daughter, even if its only for twenty mins - its a…
  • I know its amazing how much calories are in food! Its had me think "Is that many calories worth it"? lol. Oh the kinect is a GREAT tool for workout...even after you see the pictures taken of you when you doing it. I understand those moments where you just crave something. Last week my husband wanted Costa Vida. I looked up…
  • Oh I am so sorry - I understand how back pain can SO limit you daily activity. But you are on the right track! Everyone here to lose weight and everyone needs/can use support! My husband says the same thing to me (that he loves me) but its hard to believe it at times when I look in the mirror. So I then realized that the…
  • I hear ya - I log on everyday, this site is awesome!
  • Hello. Awesome job on the 11lbs! Feel free to add me.
  • I know how the hyperness goes. lol. That is still great that you run 3 times a week! Dont sound yourself short. I understand being a mom is a 24/7 job for the rest of your life, and finding time for yourself is a challenge all it itself. You're doing great! When I bike I doing it when my son is taking his nap (or I'd never…
  • suziecue Oh I didnt know that. Thanks for the info. :)
  • Yeah I do stationary bike 6 days a week and do strength training 3 times a week. Okay thanks :)
  • Great job on losing those ten lbs! Are you working out as well? If so you might want to use a measuring tape as well. You are probably building muscle - which weighs more than fat. So the scale will say you havent lost anything (muscles) but the measuring tape will show you that you are. Keep up the good work!…
    in Hi everyone! Comment by jamime July 2012
  • Welcome aboard! That is awesome on the walk - good for you :)
  • Hello. My name is Audrey and I am 45 years old. Looking to lose 77lbs and am giving myself a year to do it. I would love to hear from anyone who is either starting or on their weightloss journey for support, inspiration and ideas. Hi Audrey - Im Jaime. For me Ive been have success with biking (stationary - recumbent). Ive…
  • Thanks Amy :) Oh I feel your pain - my son just turned 2 in April and boy or boy...he sure likes to test his boundaries. And you have double so I can just imagine! I try to be active as much as possible - but I'm not going to lie, it was hard getting started - but with me when I set my mind to something Im all gung ho!…
  • Hey Amy - I am also a new member, joined in June. Kudos on the 5k! And that is awesome you have only 16lbs left! Wish I could say the same but I'll get there. Ive been biking (stationary) almost everyday for the past 6 weeks - lost 5 inches throughout my body - woo hoo! Less Jiggle! How old are you twin boys? I have a…