I can almost NEVER say no, I'm constantly craving food, if my friends invite me out for fast food or a restaurant, i ALWAYS say yes, even if I've just aten. I'm not obese, but I am slightly overweight, and I don't know if my love for food will EVER go away. I have a friend who I ALWAYS eat with, it's like were so bad for…
you're motivational and are determined to lose weight and are on the right track! I really need more positive people in life and on this :)
and I love food. Everything about it, I seriously enjoy it...a little too much! I used to be really active, but for the last 2 years, I haven't done anything. I was so used to being able to eat literally ANYTHING and still manage to work off the calories, but now that I'm not doing anything, I still eat the same way, but…