I'm flying from UK to Abu Dhabi in a couple of weeks and will be given meals on the flight as it is 7 hours. Has anyone on here logged plane food before? If so, how and what did you log?
I'm flying from UK to Abu Dhabi in a couple of weeks and will be given meals on the flight as it is 7 hours. Has anyone on here logged plane food before? If so, how and what did you log? In Abu Dhabi I will be able to keep up to date with MFP as I have wireless at my dads (where I'm staying) and he has a gym and pool at…
Does anyone on here do Pilates? If so, what effect do you find it has? I have a Pilates based bum and tum exercise programme recorded on my Sky+ Was wondering if anyone has found this sort of exercise beneficial?
I'm a 20 year old student at Birmingham City University. I am currently working for a domestic ironing company so I am on my feet all day ironing (meaning I can't snack during the day). I cycle to and from work daily which accounts to 1.4 miles a day which is really helping towards my goals