Looking for motivated friends!
Hey everyone! I'm a 41 year old mom of 4 who has struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. I am the queen of roller coaster weight loss. Lose 20 gain 15...lose 70 gain 85....and my most recent, lose 56 gain 30:-/. I am now 25 lbs from hitting my goal and struggling to stay focused!!! I need friends who will…
This time is really it - no I mean it!!!
Hey all!! I am a 39 year old mother of 4 with 72 pounds to lose. I am the queen of roller coaster weight loss and giving up just to start again just to give up. I always do very well until I have a life change and then that is it for me. I do just fine with exercise, but my eating is my downfall. I love food. I love beer…
Back on the Wagon! (I think for the 8000th time?)
Hey everyone!! Trying this again. I am a 38 year old mother of 4 who loves food. I mean, really loves food. And not the healthy kind. I am your typical roller coaster dieter. Gained 50 pounds with my pregnancies, lost 20, gained another 30, lost 70 and kept it off for a whole year, got pregnant again, gained 80, lost 10…
Lipo Light??? Anyone tried it?
So I KNOW that eating right and exercise is the ONLY way to be healthier, lose weight, and get fit! I am not looking for a quick fix. However, with Jamaica 9 weeks away, I would like a little help with spot reduction....aka...big gut! I did some research on this. What I heard is it is non invasive, works pretty well, and…
Heart rate numbers???
I had a fitness test done at my gym awhile back. I was told that 137-147 is my "fat burning zone", 147-160 is my "cardio goal zone", and anything over 160 is just burning sugars or whatever. So here is my question.....what about BELOW 137?? Some days I just want to walk, but then my heartrate is 110-125. Am I wasting my…
Breaking up your workout
Ok, this is probably a silly question.... Is breaking up your workout less effective in the weight loss department? Some days my 2 year old will not let me get my time in. Like today, got 30 min in at the gym before I was called out. Then got 20 min in on our treadmill before she started screaming. Other days its 15 min,…