Looking for motivated friends!

Hey everyone! I'm a 41 year old mom of 4 who has struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. I am the queen of roller coaster weight loss. Lose 20 gain 15...lose 70 gain 85....and my most recent, lose 56 gain 30:-/. I am now 25 lbs from hitting my goal and struggling to stay focused!!! I need friends who will help motivate and push me to stay on track. And I promise to do the same for you:-). So feel free to add me!!!


  • JeffS435
    JeffS435 Posts: 133 Member
    adding you
  • taoyler
    taoyler Posts: 4 Member
    Hooray!! I am adding you! I am 40, mom of 2. Been through the ups and downs. Last time I lost, I was determined to be healthy...as I had seen my mom struggle with obesity her whole adult life. Well, I took it too far, got caught up in being the smallest size I could get to (an easy mistake to do). My mother then passed away. Over the 2 years since then, I have been slowly getting out of healthy habits and now have found myself where I am about 10 pounds from what I feel is my healthiest. I want to lose the extra fat, gain muscle, and most important gain long-term health. I am 135 and 5'4", I think my healthy weight would be between 120-125.
  • sarahlewisleach
    sarahlewisleach Posts: 4 Member
    Adding you! Would love to give each other support. Being a Mom definitely adds additional challenges. Kick butt!
  • kjraye73
    kjraye73 Posts: 2 Member
    Would love to be a part of this support group. Just joined yesterday. I'm a teacher and mom of 3. Trying to get into the exercise habit before school resumes in August. =)