I was going to wait until June 1, but since this past weekend I ended up overdoing it on some of the "bad" stuff aka alcohol and I feel awful I have decided to start today. I want to get back on track and not feel like this anymore. Anyone with me?
Hey all. I may be over thinking this but I have read so so so much about whole30 that now I feel like I don't know anything about it. I need some basics please...like, sample breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack ideas that are quick and delicious. How to keep your veggies like your greens in the fridge all week without going…
Hey all. I was thinking (and reading what other groups were doing cause I'm new to this) and we need to set a challenge or a short term goal for us all. The ones that come to mind are like setting an amount of water to drink everyday and logging when you complete it; or exercising at least 15 minutes every day; or…