Becoming a Supple Leopard?
The book by Dr.Kelly Starrett, anyone read it? Reviews, recommendations, thoughts?
cutting & bulking cycles..
Anyone else feel like they gain fat & muscle, just to lose the same exact same fat & muscle on the cut cycle w/ no real progress? How do you adress this? longer cycles? whats your average cycle length?
Anyone trying to GAIN weight? (the good kind lol)
lookin' for more peeps interested in building muscle mass :D
Nootropics for Brain Health
Anyone tried these? Whats your experience? ... Nootropics supposedly are great for increasing IQ (paired with dual-and-back free brain game app), mental ability, and sustaining long-term brain health. I'm currently experiementing with oxiracetam, and trying aniracetam in the near future. Oxiracetam IMO gives me a greater…