Here's a link to the November Health & Wealth Challenge created by blogger Budget and the Beach. The general gist of this challenge is to workout for at least 10 minutes 5 days a week (pushing yourself). Then each week create a healthy new habit, whether it's cutting down on TV time or quitting soda or ice cream. For the…
Any Navy wives ever attend a Christmas party before? My husband bought tickets for a Christmas party in December. I'm not sure if it's formal or what I should wear to it. It's supposed to be at a local hotel. Also wondering if anyone has ever attended a car auction for abandoned vehicles on base. Or know anyone that won a…
I'm new-ish. I'm a 27 and am just trying to eat healthier, get back into shape and gain some muscle mass. I'm a healthy weight for my height but very malnourished. I'm used to eating processed foods, and am used to eating about one serving of fruit a month! Eating healthy is no easy task for me. Aside from spaghetti and…