Loved reading about everyone's Goals.. I don't care how big or how small.. man or woman.. its still a battle.. and one that we will fight to win! Thank you all for joining the group! I have a goal. I started my goal in 2012. I weighed in at my heaviest after having my daughter. 325!! I have tried tons of programs.. and…
Watching others cram sugary yummy goodness into their mouths ever make your own taste buds jump? Its a constant up hill battle and i am climbing every day!. A recent friend posted a quote and its stuck with me lately.. so i plan to share it with all of you! "NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS SKINNY FEELS" (by no means am i…
What is your main goal? how long have you given your self to reach it?
So, since my change of the lifestyle.. i have given up a lot in order to achieve whats the best... Secret? I have a LOVE.. a really awful LOVE for Cake. It started when i was pregnant. I craved cake every day.. and even after pregnancy... Cravings continued. I didn't realize how bad my relationship was to CAKE until a few…