I recently added coffee to my morning routine and I haven't determined whether it is affecting my eating habit negatively or positively. I'm not sure if caffeine has any affect on one's appetite. I seem to be eating more and craving more food even after I've already eaten and am full...but I desparately need the caffeine…
What is your weakness...the food the gets you every single time? Mine is fries. No matter how motivated I am to lose weight and how hard I am trying to eat healthy, the food that gets me every single time is french fries. I do not buy or order fries myself anymore, but if I get some for my daughter or for someone else, I…
Everyday when I go walking or am just out about, I always come across a reason why I am on this journey. I just wanted to share...the other day I was at the grocery store in line to pay for my items and in front of me was a morbidly obese woman in her wheelchair (the electric kind). The cashier asked her how she wanted her…
Has anyone ever tried the workout "Sleeveless in 7"? It's a workout targeting flabby arms. I was searching for an effective workout to reduce arm fat and came across this: http://www.sleevelessin7.com/ If you have tried it, please let me know your results. Thanks!