Just returned to the site after a couple of years away and looking for new friends for help and motivation . Did have success when last on site losing a total of 36lbs . Lost my way and my motivation and put all the weight back on . Now looking to lose around 60lbs to help me keep up with my 5 year old daughter . Want her…
Which person on your friends list is the funniest ... the one that always makes you LOL !!! ~~ On my list it is ..... FitFrazzle .... One hell of a funny guy !!!!!
Listed below are excerpts from a book called "Disorder in the Court." >Things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and >now >published by court reporters who had the torment of staying calm and >keeping >a straight face while these exchanges were actually taking place.…
There were two sisters, one called Petal and one called Fridge. One day, Petal asks her parents, "Why did you call me Petal?" and they replied "Because when you were a baby, a petal fell on you." And then Fridge says "bllaaarrarararraraaarg". Mother Superior called all the nuns together and said to them, 'I must tell you…
Hi , Was wondering if anyone could help me , I started jogging about three weeks ago as well as a bit of rope jumping too for aerobic exercise and have been getting very sore shins when i do it. Is it because of my weight as i am still around the 280 pound mark or is it the trainers i have been wearing or just the way i…