A little over a week ago I decided to dedicate my runs to the Nigerian girls who were kidnapped and posting them to Facebook just to show my support and keep this in people's minds that we still care and hope for their safe return. I asked anyone on Facebook who wants to do the same and share their runs. I was hoping for…
I am just getting over a chest cold. I feel a lot better but am wondering how long most people wait to do a long run. I am training for a marathon in October and am supposed to do 20 miles tomorrow and although I felt okay today doing 5 I am worried it may cause a rebound on my cold. Any suggestions or advice? Thanks!
Has anyone ever eaten and put in calories for Sbarro Pizza caesar side salad. I couldn't find it here and went on the internet and it listed it as 80 calories with the dressing. Does that sound correct? It sounds low to me but it is a small salad. I kind of thought that type of dressing has more calories. Sbarro does not…
Any runners out there had or know about pain in the ball of the foot that travels up the second toe? It has been going on for about three weeks now. Not getting worse or better. I ice it after running and take Advil as needed. I've tried inserts with not much help and I just recently got a new pair of shoes. Any thoughts?
I don't know if this has ever been brought up before but I get a lot of headaches after running. I have tried drinking lots of water beforehand and after, tried eating before and after to help with sugars, loosening my shoulders so I am not "tight", stretching before and after. I can't figure out what is causing them. I…