Has Anyone tried the 100 workout? Here's the layout: Exercise 1: 100 Jumping Jacks Exercise 2: 90 Abdominal Crunches Exercise 3: 80 Squats Exercise 4: 70 Leg Lifts Exercise 5: 60 Jumping Jacks Exercise 6: 50 Abdominal Crunches Exercise 7: 40 Squats Exercise 8: 30 Leg Lifts Exercise 9: 20 Jumping Jacks Exercise 10: 10…
Had to hare this awesome workout . Loved it!! :heart: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nm0C8awjNIQ&feature=related!!
Has anyone had additional weight loss success with adding apple cider vinegar to their water? I'm wondering if the benefits outweigh the horrible taste... is it worth the torture?