Hey there, With the influx of new folks from Sparkpeople, I thought I'd welcome any maintainers from over here to join our Maintenance Hall of Fame: http://tinyurl.com/Hall-of-Maintainers Not only is it super helpful for folks on the way to losing weight to see that maintenance is possible, but folks from this group will…
We've started a maintenance hall of fame over at reddit, if anyone is interested... http://www.reddit.com/r/maintenance/wiki/hof :-)
I just created a Big Page of Links about weight maintenance for another free online wellness program I'm involved with - maybe some will find it helpful... http://tinyurl.com/maintenance-links Here's to ALL of us, doing whatever we can, wherever we are, to keep ourselves and each other healthy and happy!!!
You guys might like this article by the folks at the National Weight Control Registry, who research what it is that successful maintainers DO, in order to keep the weight off: http://www.rimed.org/medhealthri/2009-02/2009-02-53.pdf In summary: Here are the best predictors of keeping weight off: 1. Longer duration of weight…