4ahealthybmi Member


  • Congratulations to our November maintainers! * Nov 1: NANHBH, 1 years! * Nov 1: UPTOIT59, 15 years! www.myfitnesspal.com/profile/uptoit59 * Nov 8: ANNIEONLI, 12 years! www.myfitnesspal.com/profile/annieonli * Nov 10: DIROB57, 4 years! * Nov 10: WALKINTOFIT, 2 years! www.myfitnesspal.com/profile/walkintofit * Nov 11:…
  • Congratulations to the October Maintainers! Oct 1: WENDYDANCER, 34 years! @wendydancer1 Oct 19: PRIMEOFMYLIFE, 1 years! @primeofmylife2021 Oct 19: SUNSHINEYOURWAY, 7 years! @sunshineyourway Oct 24: JUDYABB, 3 years! Oct 28: DESERTJULZ, 9 years! Maintenance Hall of Fame: https://tinyurl.com/Hall-of-Maintainers
  • Congratulations to the October Maintainers! Oct 1: WENDYDANCER, 34 years! @wendydancer1 Oct 19: PRIMEOFMYLIFE, 1 years! @primeofmylife2021 Oct 19: SUNSHINEYOURWAY, 7 years! @sunshineyourway Oct 24: JUDYABB, 3 years! Oct 28: DESERTJULZ, 9 years! Maintenance Hall of Fame: https://tinyurl.com/Hall-of-Maintainers
  • BTW, if anyone wants to see the full list, not just the ones with September anniversaries, here is the Maintenance Hall of Fame: https://tinyurl.com/Hall-of-Maintainers 🙂
  • Great job, @Hemtech! 🏆 Sometimes the body (and mind) need a nice long plateau to adjust and prepare for the next leg of the journey. Even after reaching an initial “goal,” people will often re-evaluate how it feels, and lose a little more, or decide to gain a little muscle. So I agree; plateaus and maintenance have a *lot*…
  • PS It looks like the blog address for TZAPP was formatted wrong. The address is: wherevermyheartleads.me
  • I think one of the most inspiring and motivating things I know is the list of folks in the Hall of Maintainers... http://tinyurl.com/Hall-of-Maintainers Living Proof that Maintenance is Possible! :) Here are the folks on there who have maintenance anniversaries this month. Sep 1: GLORIAMAJDI, 8 years! Sep 2: PATTI_PAL1, 8…
  • I have had trouble with all of those formulae that estimate my caloric needs. All of them are off, some by a lot. :-( Being the geek I am, I actually estimate my TDEE with a Google spreadsheet based on my calories eaten and what the scale is doing. PM me if you want the link that describes how I do that.
  • Congrats on getting close to two years of maintenance! That is a real achievement! What you're talking about sounds like a form of calorie cycling, and I've heard of people having good results with it, as long as they can drop down to the lower levels as planned.…
  • You're so welcome! I find it really comforting to see all those people out there in the world, maintaining too. :-)
  • Congratulations on reaching goal! I have a list of 200 maintainers, some of whom are in their 80s. You can see it here: http://tinyurl.com/maintenance-HOF They're all at a different free online wellness site, but there's no reason you can't browse their profiles and get ideas and inspiration.
  • You're totally welcome! I agree there is pitifully sparse info for maintainers, which is why I finally just started creating resources, myself. LOL So glad if anything on there helps. :-)
  • Thanks for the vote of confidence, you guys! For me I just try and take it day by day, and keep small achievable goals in front of me.... More than that is hard to contemplate. :huh:
  • As someone who has lost 100+ lbs TWICE in my life, I can totally relate to being very invested in keeping the weight off. I am NOT going to do this again! LOL