FDA approves stomach pump
http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/nation-now/2016/06/15/fda-obesity-weight-loss-aspire-assist-device-pump-food-stomach/85915870/ The notion of draining the stomach.contents with an external port is unsettling to me.
Vitamin K
Anyone supplementing with vitamin K? I'm going to add vitamin K to go along with the vitamin D I've been taking. I read that long term use of vitamin D can lead to vascular calcification (hardening of the arteries). Vitamin K can help offset the calcification. It seems that vitamin K can also improve insulin sensitivity.…
Sometimes I hate the internets
Long time member of MFP, recent member of the over 50 Group For the most part I ignore the banner ads on this site. However recently I've been seeing banner ads for Depends. C'mon I'm not there yet. When the day comes I'll deal with that, but I'm good for now. What's the next round of banner ads? Hearing aids? Viagra? I'm…
Nova Max test strip recall
If you are using a Nova Maxx meter & test strips you may want to read this: http://www.novacares.com/news/nova-max-recall.php http://www.novacares.com/news/additional-details-usa.php
Has anyone used Taurine as a dietary supplement? From what I understand it may help control blood glucose and can act as an anti-inflammatory. Thought I would ask before experimenting on myself again. My last experiment, Magnesium, didn't work out well.
Peter Attia on Ted Talks
This is a repost from another thread, I can't find the original thread. Anyway this an interesting take on insulin resistance and judgement. I hope he's successful with moving the research of IR and diabetes forward. http://www.ted.com/talks/peter_attia_what_if_we_re_wrong_about_diabetes.html
Magnesium supplements
I'm going to test out taking magnesium supplements for a couple of weeks. From what I've read it can help with sleep, improves protein synthesis to help with muscle recovery and can help control blood sugar. Supposedly diabetics may be deficient in magnesium. My blood sugar is currently under control (diet/exercise), but I…
Magic beans
The doctor is taking me off the magic beans (500 mg Metformin/day). He said to check my bgl once a week to monitor any changes. I've changed my entire lifestyle; healthy diet and exercise 6 days a week. I've lost over 100lbs and I feel good about my overall fitness. My goal from the very first day I was told I was diabetic…