The TRX center point mounting is odd to me. I have a jungle gym XT suspension trainer. The straps are mounted to the ceiling. This set up has worked well for my needs ; dips, inverted rows, etc. If I did it all over again I would probably just buy gymastic rings, far less money than any suspension trainer.
Kettlebell swings with poor form can cause lower back pain. It's important that you hinge at the hips and don't round your back. Take the time to dial in your form before upping the weight. KBs are great tools, but when used with poor form they can do more harm than good.
Try not to be so uptight. Stress is unhealthy. Maybe go for a walk or meditate.
Stop looking at your phone while walking. It might help with the falling thingy.
I don't have any solutions to offer, however I feel your pain. I have intense muscle spasms myself. It sucks, but they pass in a relatively short period of time. It just feels like forever when it happens.
We a have a dual purpose room in my home, it's serves as a gym space and the play room for my grand kids. I don't have room for a rack. My routine is primarily BWF, most of it derived from the RR on r/bodyweightfitness. I added a dip belt for weighted pull ups and dips. I also have a set of kettlebells for posterior chain…
Do you have a warm up routine that includes shoulder mobility work? For example; band dislocates, arm circles, Cuban rotations.
Although I only played for one season decades ago I still recall how much fun we had. I think you should give it a shot.
I used to play on a regular basis, but I no longer play so I can't say how it impacted my form. I suppose a large amount of weight loss would shift the center of gravity. This isn't anything to be concerned about. Losing a large amount of weight takes a long time. It could easily take a year, two years or more depending on…
With the palms facing each other. Some doorway pull up bars have extensions that allow for a neutral grip. Chin ups use a supinated grip, palms facing inwards. Pull ups use a pronated grip, palms facing away.
8 - 10 is a decent amount of reps. Try pull ups as well or neutral grip to see how the difficulty changes. A minute or two of rest is fine. Taking a ten minute coffee break between sets is probably too much. Once you get to ten reps or higher you should consider getting a dip belt to add weight.
You can't train while wearing a blindfold. Your unicorn PT might be demonstrating proper head position. Are you watching and listening carefully or are you saying, "look at that massive appendage"?
Not resistance bands. The straps aren't elastic.
It sounds like it's strength issue with hanging onto the bar. Another alternative is to get some ab straps to hang off your bar. They shift some of the weight off your shoulders, it makes doing leg raises easier.
Have a look a Bulgarian split squats, also known as rear foot elevated split squats. You can use your dumbells for loading and you don't need as much weight since it's a unilateral exercise.
Yes, psoriatic arthritis. PA or PsA It's similar to RA in that it's an autoimmune disorder.
One pair of dumbbells is not going to be versatile. You could get set of adjustable dumbells or you could do a bodyweight fitness routine and include some dumbell work. It depends on your specific goals. "You are your gym" from Mark Lauren has quite a few bodyweight exercises as a starting point.
Focusing on the micro details is a foolish exercise. There's no need to complicate the process with a study of an obscure hormone. Keep it simple and burn more than you eat.
I have PA. I live in Texas in a humid region. Cold weather causes the PA to worsen. Other than a bad hair day I've never had any issues related to the humidity.
Stoicism, Buddhism, Taoism All the ism's.
Paid around $50 for a wifi scale. That's about my limit.
I would choose hollow holds or dead bugs over crunches and sit ups.
Stay on track and keep going. Sure it sucks that belly fat is the last to go. Keep maintaining discipline and the results will follow. Patience.
I think fat deserves another mention. Fat is the WD-40 of the digestive system. Eat some fat and get things moving again.
Get a callus shaver and trim them down.
It looks like you have anterior pelvic tilt. This can be corrected by strengthening your posterior chain; Back (erector spinae), hamstrings, glutes
For the sole purpose of being provocative, does NuSI = Keto?
1000 cals in an hour? Unlikely.
Good news indeed.