So my husband just said these words to me: " you gotta get to the gym babe. You're a slacker" .Let me break this down for everyone. I am a 3rd grade teacher. I wear my fit bit to school and log an avg. Of 3.5 miles a day. I never sit! Oh wait a minute my 20 minutes of lunch that turns into 10 wait nope gotta make copies…
Is there anyone else in mfp land who follows an insulin resistant diet? What have your experiences been with it?
I am all over the place with this. I'm hoping someone can help she'd some light on this for me. What is better for losing pounds and inches? Strength training or cardio? Here's what I've been committed to doing for the last 4 months: 4 days weights and short cardio (1-2 miles treadmill 12 min mile) then 2 days of heavy…
Anybody have messed up menstrual cycle when you first started working out? I've been really committed to strength and cardio for about the last 3 months and have not been regular. Hoping this is why.
Hi all! My name is Lisa and I have hit the " oh crap I'm almost 40 and losing weight ain't so easy anymore" brick wall. So I'm hoping that being part of a program such as this might help me stay motivated. Im mommy to a very energetic and precocious 3 year old girl, a teacher, and wife. I recently stopped taking…