Favorite Lunch
List your favorite Lunch! Lable E, S, FP, Crossover.
Favorite Dinner!
List your favorite Dinner! Lable E, S, FP, Crossover. I Love Cheeseburger Casserole with jalapenos! -S
Website deal
Anyone signing up for the 3 months for 14$? Is it worth it?
March Restart
Hello ladies!! I’ve wanted to jump back on THM so I’m planning on shopping Friday since I’m low carb right now it’ll be a slight switch. Who wants to join me?
Friend me!
Please friend me. I need encouragement and meal ideas. Thanks!
Kettlebell enthusiasts recommendations please
Anyone have a kettlebell recommendation via Amazon? Workout recommendations? I saw an amazing transformation from someone a while back who primarily used a kettlebell and I have wanted one since. I have been wanting to tone for a while now and this sounds like a good start. :smiley:
Best Economically Priced Sports Bra
The ones I currently own are pretty basic from Wal-Mart. They are comfy but really flatten me out which feels awkward. Can anyone recommend one that doesn't flatten but still works as it should.
Favorite Breakfast!
List your favorite Breakfast! Lable E, S, FP, Crossover.
Just ordered WonderSlim
Hi everyone! I just ordered WonderSlim last night. I can't wait to get it. I've used NS before with good results but then got pregnant, miscarried and got pregnant again so it's been awhile . NS was not in the budget and I've read that WS is very similar but taste better and is cheaper so here's hoping!
Help me get back into THM
hey ladies! Please help me with any tips!!! :)
Ideas for Night Shifts and Eating
I just started working nights at my local hospital. Any suggestions as to what to bring for "dinner"? I work 7p-7a. Subway is open in the Hospital until 2am but it is costly. I just feel like this is bad for trying to lose weight since I am sometimes up for 24hrs(1st day @ work). Any suggestions appreciated. I just don't…
Somersizing...ANyone successful?
So I have just heard about Somersizing. It sounds good to me. I am going to check the books out at the Library. I know of one mom who has had great success. Has anyone else done it and lost weight?