If ever there was a girl who needs support and a tonne of help, then this is her.. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/8337679/Britains-fattest-teenager-is-40-stone-at-17.html She's been to a weight loss camp in the US and lost 15 stone, and in the year since she came home she's put back on that 15 and 7 more…
Hi Quick one, i have a friend, who like me is very over weight..and she goes to Weight watchers, but tends to cheat a lot and never really looses anything, well.. she has now joined a gym (for how long we'll see) and intends to go on the Power Plate. But i am so confused how this is going to do her any good? She hates to…
I really think MFP should come up wuth a 'Like Button' similar to what they have on Facebook... any clues as to how we suggest it? To go after posts on forums and folks' status' and updates.. Think it's be a cracking idea!
I dunno if it's just me..but has anyone else gotten completely obsessed with diet tv shows? The Biggest Looser USA is showing in the Uk in the mornings @ 6am, conveniently when i am on my exercise bike..and i am totally obsessed with it.. It's the one where they had couples, i can't believe the weight losses they have,…