Flavored Homemade Greek Yogurt--who makes their own
I have been making my own greek yogurt for several months now. I am wanting to add more flavors but not sure at what point in the process I should add flavoring to it. Does anybody else do this?
how to stay on track when so sad
well it was one week ago today that dad passed away. I have not been doing good on eating or exercising. It seems like junk, junk and more junk is my temporary soother. But I know that my dad would always tell me how proud he was of me becuz I was eating good and exercising. Now I feel like I am disappointing myself and my…
Hello, new and looking for motivation
I am new to this site and although I don't have a lot of weight to lose, I want to get back into healthy habits. I have been going through alot of in my personal life. I have recently lost a loved one and my father is terminal. I don't have control over his health issues (even though I wish I did) but I do have control…
One new healthy food a week
I have been for months seeing foods that are said to be good for you. Some of them I have never tried. I started trying one new healthy food a week, This week it was a "pluot". I hadn't even heard about it before but saw it in the grocery store and asked what it was and even the produce people didn't know. So I bought a…