What's a good 10k time?
I am currently running 10k in about 1hr 20 mins (at around 5am before work). I'm aware this is slow and want to work on my time before I have a few 'official' runs coming up in October. Can you guys let me know how fast you do it/what you think is a good time so it can give me an idea of a good target.
Gained 84lb of the 92lb i've lost :(
This time last year, I had lost 92lb and was training for a half marathon. Since then my work, home and social life has completely changed resulting in my falling off the wagon in spectacular fashion. When I started gaining again, I panicked and felt like I'd lost control. Instead of putting a stop to it, I panic ate and…
10k to half-marathon in 6 weeks :S
Sooooooo...... I've just signed up to run a half-marathon on the 13th October, which is 8 weeks away, but I am on holiday for 2 of those. (the cruise ship has a gym, but 'improving' performance during that time is probably unrealistic). I'm currently running about 10k, but need to increase that to 21km rather sharpish. I'd…