looking for friend requests
Hi all....I'm currently trying to drop body fat and would like some friend requests......the more I get the more people I have to let down so to speak!
New Year Dieters Beware!!!!
For all you new year dieters out there please don't start you new year by extreme calorie cutting and reducing your protein and fat content in your diet as it will be a sure recipe for disaster. A word of advice......don't aim to lose more than a pound of weight per week and keep protein levels at approx. 1gram per pound…
Ditch the Keto madness?
Ive started the new year on a keto diet....two days in im wondering if its a foolish decision as im worried about losing muscle mass i have gained over the past year....my primary goal is to drop bodyfat % till i reach 10%. I have worked out i have 6.5% to lose or 11 pounds or so, this should take 12-14 weeks at approx…
New Year Dieters Beware!!!!
For all you new year dieters out there please don't start you new year by extreme calorie cutting and reducing your protein and fat content in your diet as it will be a sure recipe for disaster. A word of advice......don't aim to lose more than a pound of weight per week and keep protein levels at approx. 1gram per pound…