New Year Dieters Beware!!!!

For all you new year dieters out there please don't start you new year by extreme calorie cutting and reducing your protein and fat content in your diet as it will be a sure recipe for disaster. A word of advice......don't aim to lose more than a pound of weight per week and keep protein levels at approx. 1gram per pound of body weight. This level of protein in your diet has many fat melting effects that will help you in both your short and long term goals. Cut protein down to a minimum and following a calorie deficit diet will help you lose weight no problem ....the problem is you will be burning off a hell of a lot of muscle as well as fat. Most people didn't put on those extra pounds over the Christmas period....those extra pounds are an accumulation of excess calories over the course of months, years or decades. So why do we all strive to loose them within a month and then wonder why we fail through starvation and hunger pains. This is the classic recipe for a yo yo dieter where you end up heavier and bigger than when you first started.

Why does this happen you cry...!

Yo Yo dieters are strong people with willpower who fail through lack of knowledge!!!!!!! If I can pass on 1 tiny bit of knowledge to you it would be this..........

If you keep protein levels high and reduce calories to approx. 500 below maintenance you are on a winner. 1 gram of protein per bodyweight is considered a good target. You will not lose large amounts of muscle and but be burning the majority of your excess weight through bodyfat. Throw in a full body workout with weights 3 times a week and you will look more toned and leaner than you would by dramatically slashing your calories. You may even add muscle mass to you physique which guess what.......helps burn more calories and gets you to your weight loss goal FASTER........!.

In 2014 lose fat NOT MUSCLE.


