is it good to take photos of your starting weight and mid-way weight and through out the different stages your weight loss journey? to document the visible changes or will it just make me discouraged to see how fat I look in pictures now?
I joined My fitnesspal about 2 yrs ago and lost 50 lbs. Reached my goal weight of 113 last May 2014 but in August I began a full-time, physically demanding production job, I'd come home exhausted, hungry & stressed. I stopped doing cardio consistently the 7 months I worked their & started over-eating. Needless to say I…
I usually exercise in the morning instead of night. Can exercise at night make you stay awake or produce insomnia or is does make you sleep better? I need to switch up my routine because Iv'e hit a plateau and cant get below 125 lbs, So I'm thinking I should switch the time of day I work-out, would that break my plateau?
Im a stay at home mom so how do I get a variety of exercise when I have a 2 yr old toddler w/ me all the time? All I currently do is go on long brisk walks pushing him in the stroller. Sometimes I run while pushing him on the stroller but its hard to manuever when Im turning. I take him on hikes also but Im getting bored…
Read a few articles that Kale is very good for you so I got some at the grocery store today but it looks like its just meant as a decorative garnish on a plate. Its very green & pretty to look at but I have no idea how to prepare it to make it taste good. Do I boil it, steam it? or just eat it like salad? Because I nibbled…
I'm sorta new. I joined my fitness pal about a month ago but am losing interest and motivation quickly because i have no friends on here like i do on my facebook. Most of my facebook friends dont need to lose weight like I do and if they do they dont want anyone to know about it. I sometimes don't log on for 5 or more days…