Hello All, Just wondering if anyone knows much about green tea extract. I'm not one for taking supplements usually but a girl at work told me it's all natural and will help boost my metabolism. Does anyone have any experience with green tea and was it positive or negative? Thanks!
Hi All, I'm looking for anyone who has any tips on losing weight with Crohns. I typically feel like I must be the fattest crohn's patient in the world. Anything healthy like fruits and veggies tend to send me into pain and a flare up. I'm finally done with the steroids, but see little success in any of the pounds coming…
I'm new to both this group, site and the ideal protein diet. I'm starting my second week after a disappointing first week and am just wondering if anyone else is having a problem with the smell of the ideal protein foods? When I open a package of the drinks, puddings or soups, the smell alone makes me gag and it's super…
Hello all, just wanted to take a minute and say hello. I set up my profile a long time ago on this site and never got serious. I'm back after stepping on the scale and am now serious and ready to start kicking some pounds butts. I'm starting my second week of the IP diet and looking to make some other friends who are also…