It honestly brings tears to my eyes just thinking about the pain and fear that has hit Aurora, Colorado. I went to the premiere of Batman: The Dark Knight Rises in my hometown last night completely unaware of what the night would entail for people across the country. For those of you who didn't hear, a man (now identified…
So lately I have had short lunch breaks and I've been dying at work before my afternoon snack so I started experimenting with lunch. The other day, I mixed flavored non-fat chobani greek yogurt with 1/2 cup of grape nuts and 1 tbsp of chia seeds and that's a 400cal lunch with mad protein, good fiber, and omega-3s and i…
Anybody have any fun "recipes" for oatmeal?? I have so much instant (and old fashioned) oatmeal and I want to do more with it than just adding some craisins every now and then. It's my go-to for snacks and breakfast and I'm looking for some ways to amp it up!
Hi:] I'm a college student looking for some guidance and support as I try to reach my health goals and this seems like the perfect place! I'm studying dietetics at school and if I'm going to eventually try to tell clients how to eat for a healthy lifestyle, then I figure I should take my own advice first. I just want to be…
Hey there! I work full-time and I HAVE to eat throughout the day or I'll go insane before my 1:45 lunch break (rough livin'). I usually bring a packet of oatmeal to make and eat, but I want to find some more nutritious snacks to fuel the day. Any suggestions?