A World in Need of our own Batman

It honestly brings tears to my eyes just thinking about the pain and fear that has hit Aurora, Colorado. I went to the premiere of Batman: The Dark Knight Rises in my hometown last night completely unaware of what the night would entail for people across the country. For those of you who didn't hear, a man (now identified and aprehended by police) opened fire on a theater of 300+ innocent people at the premiere in Aurora early this morning, killing 12 and injuring 50+, including a 3-month-old and a six-year-old. This terrifying event has shaken up our nation and the rest of the world. President Obama released a statement of saddness and grief for those affected by this shooting and Warner Brothers postponed the premiere of the movie in Paris as a result of this cruel act. It just makes me think about everything I have taken for granted, like the fact that I walked out of my movie theater alive, and all the troubles (both internal and external) that have fueled and come as a result of the shooting. A man was driven to the point of complete, unhinged rage, and by what? What was driving him to commit such a heartless act? And think of the families who expected nothing more than an enthusiastic movie review this morning and ended up losing a loved one. What a sad world we live in that such a digusting crime can occur so randomly, but what a great world we live in that we are all coming together to support those whom this has affected. It's a beautiful world with a few pangs of ugly, but I'm so proud to be part of a country that can band together for a city in turmoil. We may not have our own "batman", but we can be the hope, the protection, and the helping hand these people need. So let's be superheroes for those in pain.

"What the world needs now is love, sweet love."


  • Dawnhasajeep
    Dawnhasajeep Posts: 180 Member
    My thoughts and prayers are with the families and those in that theater last night. I am all for peace and love but in this day and age you need to protect myself. What we need are more men like the 71 year old man who shot & injured 2 young men who held and terrorized patrons at an internet café. (News link below) If one person in that theater was legally carrying a concealed weapon there may have been a lot more survivors. There are those of us that carry a concealed weapon just to protect ourselves, loved ones and the innocent. I pray I never have to use my concealed weapon but I am willing to if it will save my life and others.

  • pregmeg119
    pregmeg119 Posts: 151 Member
    "What the world needs now is love, sweet love."

    Sometimes I really believe we, as humans, really just need a reset button.