“I’m never going to be able to lose the amount of weight that I need to lose!”, “How can I lose that much weight?”, “I’m never going to be thin, so who cares.”, “I can’t/don’t want to give up the foods I love.”, “It’s too much work to prepare my meals and plan things out.”, “I don’t have time for the gym!” Do these sound…
So excited...I am down another jeans size (10 sizes down now)!!! I am in a size that I haven't been in since HS (Size 12). When I started my journey a year ago, my initial size goal was the size I was 7 yrs ago before I gained all my weight (Size 14). Now that size is history and I am in a smaller size. I was so shocked…
The last few weeks I have been reminded that we are so much more than just a number on the scale. I think, all too often, that we get so caught up on the numbers and we forget about all of the other victories that come along with weight loss. We let those numbers dictate our moods, get us frustrated and down and sometimes…