I had an encounter with a very creepy man tonight. Unsure if he was following me I pulled up a street and turned around just to be safe. I felt dumb for doing so till as I was driving back out I saw his truck pulled up the street. Knowing he would have to go all the way up the hill to turn around I went up a 2nd street and…
How Do I nicely tell my boss that when I am out sick she does not need to E mail the whole company what my illness is. She just simply let them know I am out and to send work to my co worker. This is not the first time this has happened. It is really pissing me off.
I grew up south of Boston and this song always makes me miss Beantown. The Standells - Dirty Water http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5apEctKwiD8 Do you have a hometown song?