Pilates vs Yoga
I was wondering if anyone here has done any Pilates? Did you like it? What were major differences. I know obvious ones, like yoga being more spiritual and meditation but wondering strength wise etc. I have been doing yoga, but read something yesterday saying if you have back problems Pilates might be a better choice. I…
Handstands..does anyone do them daily? I read something that said it is so good for the back among other things. One persons story even said she fixed her herniated neck doing them daily. It's always hard to believe the "it cured me" claims, although it would be great if that happened! Thoughts ?
Yoga daily?
I am fairly new to yoga. I have always done mostly cardio with some weight training. I started yoga because of running injuries. Basically a way to keep doing something. My routine with cardio was always taking two days off in a row mid week. They are my hardest days to get a work out in, unless I get up very early. So…
Hungry during Yoga?
I usually do my yoga in the morning. I prefer to do it on an empty stomach but it never fails...every time I start after about 1 minute of the deep breathing I get hungry. Does anyone have this happen? Do you eat before your yoga?
new to yoga
Hello, I have been on Mfp for awhile now. I lost most of my weight running and calorie counting. Recently I have hurt both of my ankles and running/walking aren't really an option. I was wondering if anyone has had success in keeping weight managed with just yoga and calorie counting. I admit I did rely a bit on the big…
Protein Powder
I have wondered about the use of protein powder. Does most everyone in here use it? I do notice I am often short on protein, but I am also lactose intolerant, so I don't really do smoothies or anything like that too often. Not sure where I would use the powder, or if it's even necessary. Something just feels wrong about…
Cardio and weights, which order.
What is the theory on cardio and weights. Should cardio be done before or after weight lifting? When I lift weights first, then run, my run is much harder. I am not sure if this is a good thing, sometimes I can't run as far on those days.