If so how many calories are you losing fat on?
How do you find the calories in food that you don't know the ingredients in or there isn't any label? I don't want to guess because then it would be inaccurate.
My parents cook most of the food. How should I figure out the calories in food my parents make at home? I use a weight scale and ask what ingredients was used, but I don't really know the exact amount of each ingredient that was used in the food so I could easily be off by about 200-600 calories. What exactly should I do?
So i have been tracking my calories and using the app and i noticed i was getting on average 400-500 mg of calcium a day. Now i am not a heavy dairy eater as i don't like the taste and never did in my life so i see that even eating unprocessed foods i come up short of 1000 mg of calcium that is recommended on most sites,…
I was wondering why other calorie calculators tell you to eat more when you only exercise 1-3 days compared to when your sedentary. Also why doesn't myfitnesspal use the same method. Is myfitnesspal more accurate on how many calories you should consume for weight loss. Please see the example below if confused. example of a…
Hi i have been using myfitnesspal since June but not been using my fitness pal for very long. I started using it around July 2nd. Before finding out about myfitnesspal i used to use other online calculators with the basal metabolic rate and the and daily activity added together. Almost all of these online calculators use…