I have had HORRIBLE issues gaining weight while on birth control in the past..I gained about twenty pounds when I had that thing in my arm. I am now starting back up with a pill. I am SCARED TO DEATH to gain weight (I have been trying so hard!) I know it's better then having a babes at the moment, but still. How is it…
We have chicken grilled on the George Foreman pretty often. We switch up the seasoning and marinades, but I would love some original, new chicken recipes..possibly crock pot ones??
I know it's never good to skip meals but I have been sick sick sick and sleeping a lot. I am trying to plan out small meals and snacks throughout the day. My question is...if you sleep through breakfast would you still eat and push everything back or just go to the next meal when ya wake up. Opinions?
I am not new, but I fell off the bus for awhile. I am back and ready to kick this weight issue in the butt. Looking for some supportive and motivated friends to keep it going :)
This Friday I am running a 5K the only issue is that it's at 11 P.M (charity called midnight madness) I have no idea what to eat/ when to sleep to stay energized for the race. Any ideas? Thank you!
Hello, I am 22 years old and sick of feeling the way I do! I am leaving college and getting ready to start life so I am ready to do it the healthy way. I have some major events coming up and I am ready to get in shape and would love some new friends so we can support each other! :)