Help! Seeing results but keeping evil cellulite!
Hi all. I've been doing Brazil Butt Lift plus other things tacked on to get in shape. I never intended to lose weight and I haven't. I stay right about 115 lbs, sometimes less, at 5'4". My intention was to lean out, tone up, and cut some inches. I've been doing this current workout for 7 weeks. I've mainly worked out 6…
Lbs/Inches, but body looking/feeling better. What gives?
Hey all. I'm a petite female. 25 years old, 5'4, 114/115 lbs. I'm not really interested in losing weight, just burning up remaining areas of fat and toning muscles throughout the body. I'm wrapping up my second week of a pretty strict workout routine and while I feel my body is tighter and looks better, the measuring tape…
Need advice & resistance training info.
Hey there! I'm a 25 year old woman, 5'4", 115lbs. I'm fine with my current weight. I've never really had an issue with being overweight, however, I've unhappy with my small body that lacks muscle definition. I want to be small AND sexy! My main concern is my lower half. It has been my focus for sometime now. Especially…