What no runner wants to hear...
Welp, it happened. After 15+ years of running I have been told to stop running (for now). WHAT?! You want me to WHAT?! What I thought was piriformis pain (which I have been suffering through since January) turns out to be two bulding discs, L4/L5. I have no idea how this happened. The doc said it could have been from my…
Runner turned yogi
Welp, it happened. After 15+ years of running I have been told to stop running (for now). WHAT?! You want me to WHAT?! What I thought was piriformis pain (which I have been suffering through since January) turns out to be two bulding discs, L4/L5. I have no idea how this happened. The doc said it could have been from my…
Pain in the Butt
I literally have this. UGH. It's making running REALLY hard... I mean to the point that I can't even get out 3 miles without walking. March 9th was my last "long" run... a 15K at an 8:40 pace. At this time I was experiencing some piriformis pain but it was bearable. NOW if I run I pay for it for a couple days. I have a 10K…
Bikram yoga...
I'm dumb and bought a Groupon for 20 classes at my fave place... then realized I probably can't do this if I get pregnant. Anyone know if there is any issue doing hot yoga while "trying"??
Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!
What is the Pirate's favorite animal? The AAARRRRRRrrrrdvark ;)
desk jobs
My job as a crime scene investigator either has us SUPER active or SUPER sedentary. The last few days I have felt as though I could be doing something as I type reports/read articles, etc. Any of you try to stay active while at work? My co worker sometimes sits on an exercise ball... anything else?