Ugh... discouraging first 2 weeks
Hey everyone... I know I'm not supposed to lose a million pounds in 2 weeks but aren't you supposed to lose something? ANYTHING? I have been working out, and doing strength training everyday for the past two weeks and I haven't lost a pound ( I have been watching what I eat as well)! It is very frustrating:explode: :mad:…
I did it!
For the first time EVER I worked out and didn't quit! usually I get on my corss trainer and tell myself I will work out for an hour... but i always give up after 15 or 20 minutes. BUT TODAY I FINALLY WORKED OUT THE WHOLE HOUR!!! :happy: I feel so great! And now I can eat out for my anniversary dinner and not feel horrible.…
Hi everyone, I was just wondering, has anyone tried Hydroxycut? I have heard it works, but I'm worried about any weird side effects... weight loss isn't worth hurting your health:sick: :sick: . Any insight from hydroxycut users?
Hi everyone :smile: